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Our Story

We are Bushbuck

Bushbuck is a leading New Zealand hunting apparel and gear brand that’s pushing the limits of innovation, sustainability and performance.

Our mission is to Elevate Every Adventure by engineering high-quality gear that supports every customer on their outdoor adventure. Built for the rugged New Zealand wilderness, Bushbuck is proven to perform in the world’s harshest environments.


What Bushbuck Stands For

At Bushbuck, we understand everyone’s on their own journey. Whether hunting in remote wilderness, hiking on well-trodden trails or working hard on the land, Bushbuck will help you take that next step — and then some.

We’re fully committed to engineering the world’s most innovative outdoor apparel and equipment that pushes the limits of durability, sustainability, and performance.

But fancy words only mean so much when you’re out there amongst it, beating a path through the backcountry and battling the elements. When push comes to shove, you want gear you can depend on in the most unforgiving environments. That’s what Bushbuck stands for.

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Founded in 2012 in Christchurch, New Zealand, Bushbuck has grown into an industry-leading hunting brand and expanded into international markets. Our disruptive direct-to-consumer business model allows us to deliver maximum value to our customers while upholding the highest quality standards.

Our Hunting Roots

Hunting is at our core. Engineering hunting gear has required us to operate at the forefront of innovation. Hunters demand the absolute best from their gear and we’ve embraced the challenge.

Over the years, our product range has expanded to encompass the wider outdoor experience, consistently applying the same hardcore engineering ethos to everything we make.

Today, Bushbuck is popular with hunters, hikers, campers, farmers, tradies and anyone who requires tough, functional, high-performance gear.

Engineering Ethos

The Bushbuck team is relentlessly exploring new frontiers in innovation, engineering and performance to bring you the ultimate in hunting clothing and outdoors gear. All our gear is tried and tested in our own backyard — the rugged wilderness and waters of New Zealand, one of the world’s ultimate adventure destinations.


Hunting is a way of life in New Zealand. As hunters ourselves, we value the community, self-sufficiency, and connection with the outdoors that hunting provides. Ultimately, Bushbuck is about making hunting more accessible, enjoyable, and successful for all.

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